Hello everyone!
Please see this PDF for information on a construction project that is happening outside of our neighborhood!
The WCHA Board of Directors is made up of a group of volunteers who are striving to make our subdivision a premier place to live. We are always open to suggestions. A homeowner can join the board of directors at the annual meeting.
Hello everyone!
Please see this PDF for information on a construction project that is happening outside of our neighborhood!
Warner Creek Board Meeting
Feb, 2 2023
Call to order
Attendance: Chris, Bob, John, Megan, Colleen, Anh
Absent: Eric (meeting conflict)
Approval of previous meeting minutes
Discussion with legal date
Megan, Chris sent out survey results! Good work!
Survey feedback - was generally positive, one resident was concerned about data being shared with third party companies
All surveys were returned without any personally identifying information, so there wasn’t any mechanism by which data could have been leaked
Per the advice of Compass, John proposes changing the number of board positions to seven
Bob seconds
Approved unanimously
Chris/Megan need Compass to send notice when resident moves out and new resident moves back in, so email list can be updated
Discussion regarding end of Compass contract:
Need to research alternative platforms to act as a self-managed resident portal, to share the workload
Compass doesn’t build their own platform, contracts the same platforms we can use
Need to continue with Compass through annual meeting
May 3rd is 90 days
Annual meeting prepped in April
Committees Updates
Treasurer -- Colleen
New Budget - Compass didn’t send requisite information
Colleen is having to contact Compass 4 or 5 times in a row to get a response
(We the board forgot to send Stacey the Zoom link for tonight’s meeting)
Flag at crosswalk is in disarray, needs to be taken care of
ABR – John
Would like to have trash container guidelines and pictures distributed to residents during next Compass email
We set a policy, we need to distribute this policy to provide guidance
Need a due date
Resident is requesting exception to trailer policy due to external parties requiring compliance
We don’t have an exception process in place
There is an explicit bylaw for trailers
Welcome -- Megan
New welcome committee met with Liz a few weeks ago, have started work on sending out welcome packages
Need more information from Compass for regular roster updates
Activities -- Megan
Many activities are planned! Committee met a few weeks ago
Easter Egg hunt, food trucks (7 scheduled), confirmation of garage sale weekend after Mother’s Day with other 2 subdivisions, Bear Claw Coffee Company will have a food truck for the garage sale!
Parks (Bob)
Handicap swing to be installed
Chris will take lead on getting annual meeting scheduled
Bob motions to end
Warner Creek Board Meeting Minutes
Dec. 7, 2022
Call to order
Attendance: Chris, Eric, Bob, John, Megan, Stacey S. (Compass), Anh
Approval of previous meeting minutes
Discussion with legal
Sending out sign policy
Vote to revoke 72 hour limit on specific signs is approved
Committees Updates
Treasurer -- Colleen
Discussion of account balances with specific residents
ABR – John
No updates
Welcome -- Megan
Waiting on information from Liz
Activities -- Megan
Activities have been successful
Parks (Bob)
New Business
Survey results (discussion was very quick and notes were hard to take)
Megan: People want friendly neighborhood
Anh: Agreed with Megan on friendliness
John: Question 1 vast majority 10+ years, could have added additional useful options. Question 3 - no consensus, so status quo should remain.
Chris: No need to email out individual results, or questions about demographics. Compass questions won’t be useful to subdivision either. We should focus on conveying responses regarding capital improvements, activities, fence question, sidewalk enforcement (or lack thereof beyond Pittsfield)
Eric: Many households without kids is surprising.
Bob: People tend to want to be left alone, with less enforcement. Need for a management company needs to be communicated better. Wants to send out results as transparently as possible.
Bob: Motions to summarize survey, and send full results to subdivision, including full responses.
Discussion phase: John and Chris want to redact comments as the comments could reveal personal information
Chris prefers to misalign free form comments so that they’re more anonymous, and was under the impression that they would be anonymous
Megan wanted to send out comments as well, as openly as possible
Bob: New motion to send out summary only, and the free form comments will be summarized in an easy to read format
Next steps: Stacey will send Chris the updated email list, Chris will draft a response with Megan’s analysis (to be finalized by Megan), Chris will send draft to board, then send the survey out to updated Google Group for entire subdivision
Concealment of trash cans – John
New images to discuss, showing pervasive non-compliance
Discussion on whether to send policy reminders to all residents, or specific residents who are violating the previously approved policy.
Motion to amend trash policy (Less stringent time requirements)
Motion approved