These meeting minutes are unconfirmed until the following meeting.
Call to order Came to order 7:05pm
Attendance: Chris, Bob Stanfield, Colleen O'Toole, Noel, Anh Le, Stacey Sherille Compass
Absent: Megan
Approval of previous meeting minutes - Approved through vote, no objections
Moving reserves to an interest bearing account -- Colleen is the point person, working with Compass
Presidents report –
discussed compass proposal --
-- per hour fee for annual meeting
-- 2 board meetings complementary
-- reduced cost/reduced service
-- spoke about getting access to board members to appfolio for abr approval
-- all financials would be covered
-- no site visits
-- compass would handle all dues
-- bids would not be included
could be handled
-- bottom line takes out site inspections and meetings
Noel spoke about reducing dues if we went to this proposal. Colleen would like us to keep Compass' ability to manage and solicit contractors.
Bob made a motion to accept the Compass bid but added soliciting and managing contractors. Chris seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
Concrete bid - lots of interest! Chris will compile spreadsheet of neighbors who responded and will send them to Compass.
Treasurer – Colleen -- High yield account for reserves
ABR – Anh -- Fence was applied for and approved.
Welcome – Courtney (via Chris) -- No updates -- Anh stated we have two houses sold so Chris will check with Stacey
Activities – Megan/Sarah -- Potluck was canceled due to lack of interest. Still planning on fall festival.
Parks – Bob -- South Park brush hogging/clearing is complete. Contractor has been hired to treat buck-thorn along the sidewalk near Platt road entrance. We are getting estimates for the bridge in the South Park.
Rewriting late fee policy -- Chris will re-write the policy and have Colleen take a look at it and resolve via email
Sidewalk bids -- Chris went out to neighbors to see who is interested in getting sidewalks done and passed along to the contractors for a group rate.
Trash policy-- Sarah stated that she had a different view from the current trash policy and that we. Colleen thinks our policy is more lenient than the actual bylaws. Bob stated that we should enforce offenders where trash is stored on the driveway. Anh stated we should react on a complaint basis. If there is a complaint then we need to enforce it. Chris stated that the neighborhood and the board doesn't want to go around and inspect the neighborhood for trash can violations. Meet the people where they are at in the community. The trash policy remains unchanged.
Park improvements/port-a-potty quick discus Chris does not want a porta potty. Sarah is against porta potty, worried about vandalism to the porta potty. Board decided against porta potty in the park.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.