Attendance: Bob, John, Eric, Megan, Chris, Stacey (Compass)
Bob motions to set annual fees to $250 for this year
Costs have risen beyond last year, rapid inflation
Eric seconds
John suggests raising it an additional $25
Eric is concerned about the annual meeting not reaching quorum, with the absence of the discount
Chris wants to see if we can afford the $25 discount in light of the new Compass contract
For: Bob, John, Eric, Megan
Opposed: Chris
Motion is approved
May 1st will be due date
Annual Meeting tentatively May 4th
(3/16 Post-meeting note - Pittsfield Charter Township was unavailable on 5/4. The annual meeting is now planned to be held on 5/17).
Bob: Road construction presentation, asking if someone can research construction projects over the next year
John: Chris ask clerk’s office showing presentation on construction
Eric will reach out to Washtenaw Road Commission
Mention trash-can concealment policy
Research proposal for concrete sound barrier along Michigan Ave
Committees Updates
Treasurer -- Colleen
ABR – John
Stacey mentions that homeowner is requesting fence due to safety issue, proposes that this is a board issue and not ABR
Welcome -- Megan
New resident, flyers, welcome packages
Activities -- Megan
More updates closer to all of the events
Parks (Bob)
Bob helped move branches that fell
Kids stood on toddler swings, broke, Compass took care of fix request
Approval of previous meeting minutes
Bob motions, John seconds, voted for unanimously
Meeting adjourned by board