8/3/2022 Meeting Minutes:
Call to order
Attendance: Chris, Liz, Bob, John, Megan, Colleen, Anh, Eric, Stacey S.
June 1st meeting minutes unanimously passes
Budgeting discussion - Stacey S. emailed out budgeting reports
Landscaping is going over budget
Residents who attended or proxied both the April and June meeting will receive $25 credit, Stacey has the list
Chris - meeting minutes were accidentally approved for June 1st twice
Chris motions to approve meeting minutes for June 22nd (first new board meeting)
Bob/Chris motion after discussion, minutes unanimously approved
John -
Requests Stacey to update the ABR access to reflect John, Eric, Anh, Megan, Stacey P.
John requests more discussion between ABR members on any given vote, so that ABR members know how other members view any given application
Welcome committee updates
Welcome Packets 2.0
Activities committee
Discussion regarding upcoming events, discussion about specific weekends being looked at for events
Megan is looking at doing a LOT of activities, budget needs to be increased from $2100 to $2500 (-Bob)
Eric seconds Bob’s motion to increase activities
2022 Easter Egg hunt didn’t come out of this budget
$400 extra income from prior year dues were paid to Warner Creek
Colleen (Treasurer) has no issues with this
Vote to raise budget for activities committee to $2500/year unanimously approved
Bridge project on pause for now while evaluating general budgetary needs, community feedback
South park - weeds were treated
Contractors accidentally sprayed playground area despite request not to
We were not brought aware of this until it was already dry
New Business
Survey draft is finalized after hours of discussion
Survey will only be paper mail
Chris will take the lead on finalizing wording, instructions to residents, and logistics mailing it out
Next meeting proposed for September
Unanimous vote to adjourn the meeting